Precious Blood Cathedral 778 Queen Street East Sault Ste. Marie, On P3A2B1
Dear Parishioner As you may be aware, Precious Blood Cathedral has taken a leadership role in raising monies for the construction of the Gathering Place at the Cathedral. The Gathering Place includes a multi-use building, a repository of our Catholic community history, a series of gardens and a columbarium for the interment of ashes. The multi-use building will provide for diocesan and parish assembling needs and also house the Centre for Social Justice and Good Works
The Centre for Social Justice and Good Works is the key message of the “Gathering Place” a unique and ambitious community development project that is being undertaken by a diverse group of community-minded people under the care and guidance of Precious Blood Cathedral. The Centre is a timely and necessary initiative for Sault Ste. Marie. The task of social justice and good works provide opportunities to create just communities. The role of the Centre will be to provide individuals with the opportunity to understand, develop and actualize their individual potential through leadership training and mentoring in justice and good works. The history and gardens will provide the inspiration for social justice and good works, which have been the hallmark of Catholicism for more than two thousand years.
Through the tireless work of a large number of people in our community, we have been successful in raising $2,700,000 to date. An additional $1,000,000 is required to begin construction of the building and its basic infrastructure. Your contribution on a one-time basis or over a number of years would be greatly appreciated. As always, a charitable receipt will be issued as contributions are received. Depending on your income, you will receive a minimum of forty per cent of your contribution by way of tax credits.
Please make contributions payable to Precious Blood Cathedral (The Journey). For more information, call me with respect to any questions you may have at 705-256-8474.