Father Hamish presented to Parishioners, last weekend, a plan for pledges over 5 years for contributions to ‘the Journey’. Father has personally committed $10,000 over 5 years. After tax credits this will actually cost him $6,000 over 5 years. Depending on taxable income, the tax credits range from 40% to 48%. He is asking that we all make a pledge to commit over 5 years to the best of our ability. Pamphlets explain the pledge procedures are available in the Cathedral office. Parish members are available, through the office, to meet with those wishing to have the material explained and assist in donation planning. Father explained further that gifts under $5000 would be acknowledged on Donor Boards in the foyer at the rear of the Cathedral. Gifts of more than $5000 will be acknowledged in ‘The Gathering Place’. You may consider joining with extended family to honour a common relative, such as a parent, grandparent or great grandparent. Father encouraged us, individually, to prayerfully determine a reasonable pledge. Each of us has different means and abilities in that regard. Every gift is important just as each of us is important for one another in our faith journey. Many have already donated to the Journey through the Journey weekly collection envelopes. All of these gifts are recorded and will be credited toward your pledge.
The Journey’s next event is ‘the Journey’ Mardi Gras Ravioli Dinner on Sunday, March 2
nd at the Marconi Hall. Through the generosity of the Marconi Club, the ticket price will be only $25 person and $10 for children 10 and under. There will be a cash bar. Tickets will be available at the Cathedral Office, Monday – Friday, 8:30 am to 12:30 pm before and after Masses or call Linda Simonini at 705-945-7038. Purchase individual tickets or arrange a table of ten. Invite your friends from all the Parishes.