Father Hamish is introducing a program of donation by Parishioners and our families to raise money for the Journey. Brochures have been distributed with the bulletins and are available in the Cathedral Office
Our leadership in supporting this initiative is extremely important to the success of our plans for the ‘Gathering Place’. The brochure provides suggestions for regular donations over 5 years. However, all donations are important and will be greatly appreciated.
If assistance is required for donation planning, please call the Cathedral Office for an appointment.
Our governments understand the importance of donation planning and provide excellent tax credits on taxable income. Don’t hesitate to call for assistance.
The Journey’s next event is ‘the Journey’ Mardi Gras Ravioli Dinner on Sunday, March 2nd at the Marconi Hall.
Through the generosity of the Marconi Club, the ticket price will be only $25 person. There will be a cash bar. Tickets will be available at the Cathedral Office and before and after Masses.
Purchase individual tickets or arrange a table of ten. Invite your friends from all the Parishes.