Father Hamish has established a Fundraising and Special Events Committee chaired by Bob Barbeau and includes the following members: Linda Simonini, Dawn Malone, Myrtle Correlli, Louise Bichler, Vince Vernelli, Vince Sguigna, Nancy Komsa and Cathy Shunock. Bob is actively looking for additional members. Please volunteer by calling Bob through the Cathedral office.
There will be fundraising and special events held over the next few years commencing this fall when pledges for donations will be sought.
There will be a Special Fundraising Dinner and Auction, which will kickoff the fundraising drive. Details are being finalized and will be available shortly. Tickets will be $100.00 person for this special event. Tickets can be purchased and tables of ten can be reserved through Linda Simonini at 705-945-7038 or the Cathedral office.
The Committee is extremely excited about this Special Event. Remember to Join the Journeyby dropping off your information sheets for the whole family to the Cathedral office or in the collection baskets, or register online at our website.
For regular updates on The Journey, please go to the Cathedral website at www.preciousbloodssm.com.