Bishop Dowd
December 29, 2024 at 8:40 PM ·
Happy Jubilee New Year 2025! I had the honor of presiding over the opening of the Jubilee Year in the Cathedral of my Diocese (Precious Blood in Sault Ste. Marie, Canada). A decorated cross was at the head of the procession to and into the church, to remind us of our salvation in Christ.
I have published another pastoral letter to mark the occasion, which can be found here:
God bless you!
“When you say your Rosary, the angels rejoice, the Blessed Trinity delights in it, my Son finds joy in it too, and I myself am happier than you can possibly guess. AFTER THE HOLY SACRIFICE OF THE MASS, THERE IS NOTHING IN THE CHURCH THAT I LOVE AS MUCH AS THE ROSARY.” —Our Lady to Blessed Alan de la Roche (Offered Tuesday - Friday after Mass)
This letter is being sent to you because you currently have a child in Grade Two/Three/Four at one of our local schools and live within our parish boundaries.
A "Contemplative Retreat" focuses on the heart and one's personal spiritual experiences. To assist you to come to deep inner stillness, music, poetry, silent pauses, images, Scripture will be included in Powerpoint presentations. It is highly recommended that you eliminate any other activities during this 24 hour period so that you can fully enter into the process of "LISTENING" -- Listening to your deeper self -- Listening to the Divine within. To Register: email or call 705-254-4690
Fr. Clarence has been appointed administrator in Blind River. We are very grateful for Fr. Clarence’s ministry here at Precious Blood. On a personal note, Fr. Clarence has been a tremendous friend and support to me, and I will miss him. I have assured him that this is home, and he is more than welcome at any time. Fr. Hamish
The Centre for Social Justice and Good Works will establish its Project Entrepreneurship social enterprise training program with the help of the federal government.
Diocese of Alexandria-Cornwall Bishop Marcel Damphousse has been named the new bishop for the Diocese of Sault Ste. Marie. His installation date has not been announced. (Photo/Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops)
it has been a busy month for the Journey. A representative of the Journey attended weekend masses on successive weeks at St. Jerome's, Holy Family and St. Veronica,s Parishes to explain the Journey to Parishioners.
Representatives of the Journey will be speaking at all the Masses across the city in the fall to explain how important the Gathering Place will be to all Catholics.
Congratulations to the members of the Parishes that contributed a vast array of goods for the Garage Sale the last two Saturdays and the large group of volunteers who worked so hard to make it such a success